Saving Data There are four types of data that can be saved: data from the help window, palettes, parameters for fractal creation, and the fractal's graphic image. For information regarding saving the help information, see the section on the Help System. Saving palette information is described in the Applying Color section. Data directly related to generating fractals can be saved and reloaded for future use. This enables you to continue exploration of a fractal where you left off. To save the fractal's settings, select either Save or Save As from the File menu. The difference between these menu items is that Save As will always prompt the user for a file name and location, while Save only presents this dialog once and continually saves the data to the same file. Saved data can be reopened with the Open command from the File menu. The parameters file can contain additional information, such as the palette and fractal image (only for registered copies of Color Fractal Generator). Two preferences enable these options: Save Fractal Image and Save Palette. Save Fractal Image permits the user to save either a complete or partial fractal image inside the file. Thus, if generation could not be completed for some reason, the partial fractal image could be saved and one could start regenerating from where the creation process left off. Saving the palette inside a file prevents the user from needing to save the palette as a separate file and load the palette after loading the fractal. To save the image as a PICT file, select Save PICT from the File menu. It will save either the complete or partial fractal image as a PICT file for opening in another application. Only the actual picture is saved to this file, so one cannot continue exploration of the fractal world by only saving the image. The complete image is always saved unless the window has a selection and the Save Selection preferences option is set. In this case, only the selection will be saved. The Save PICT creates a color PICT file that many graphic applications can open. The user can modify the default program that opens the file by changing the file creator preferences (see the Preferences section).